Friday, October 10, 2014

Lessons I wish my mama would taught me - Take Your Time

I wanted to start off this blog with something that would catch your attention.  There is nothing like a visual aide to help drive home certain points.    This is one thing that my mother never used to say.  I guess its because I never really asked nor was I ever really interested in growing up.  I wanted to be a Toys R Us Kid.  But this is still a lesson I believe one of the first lessons that ought to be taught to kids and teenagers all over.  TAKE YOUR TIME, DON'T RUSH TO GET OLD.  It's a trap.

I understand that there are certain freedoms that come with being older, but with each of  those freedoms also come 10 different types of responsibilities.  What children, teens and even some adults do not seem to realize is that there is no such thing as ABSOLUTE freedom.  Everyone is governed by some set of rules and regulations or laws for that matter.  

When you're under the care of a parent you tend to think that your mom or dad is being so unfair and totally out of touch and they just don't understand.  What you don't seem to understand is that they understand all too well.  They have been where you are,  they've done what you're thinking about doing, they've been caught and have paid the price for that action.  And they're trying to protect you from making the same mistake.  And believe it or not... at the end of the day they still have to answer to someone ABOUT YOU.

The other part of this is this:  Like I said before, there is no such thing as Absolute freedom.  You can't just do what you want and think that there are no consequences.  If you break the law you have to answer to the judge, When you get a job you have to answer to your boss, when you get sick you have to follow the recommendations of your doctor in order to get well again.  There will NEVER EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVVEERRRRRRR be a time that you will not have to listen to someone or abide by some governing body's rule.

So, I just hope that you will take your time, don't grow up too fast.  Take it easy!

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